When Separate Equals Hungry

A 2-part feature exploring food insecurity.

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Monarch Festival Heads to Hanover Park this August

Photo Credit:
MWRD Commissioner Eira Corral Sepúlveda

Join Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Commissioner Eira Corral Sepúlveda and partners for a Monarch Festival & Environmental Resource Fair that will bring together a variety of government and not for profit organizations, and individuals who are working to protect the environment and advocate for communities.

There will be education about environmental issues through activities, exhibits, and engagement with subject matter experts and is of no cost. Monarch butterflies are critical pollinators for agriculture and are also migratory. The event begins at 12:15PM until 3PM on August 5th at Liberty Park along Longmeadow Lane & West Irving Park Road in Hanover Park, IL.

Pre registration is strongly recommended bit.ly/Environmental-Resource-Fair For questions, please reach out to Tony Casuso, Special Projects Coordinator at: casusoa@mwrd.org or call 312-751-5468

Photo Credit:

About Author:

Dr. Mila Marshall is an environmental professional and journalist with a passion for advancing sustainability in all sectors. Her passion is directed towards urban food systems in segregated cities.



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