When Separate Equals Hungry

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Liza Summer

Being a fashion influencer sounds exciting, fun, and hitting the lottery if you’re a fashion-interested kind of creative.  Attracting brands who become your client who want you to do what fashion influencers do is just the beginning. Taking part in fashion show catwalks and receiving an invitation to the Met Gala are some of the other benefits that make the career of a Fashion Influencer pretty darn exciting.

However, it doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen without doing the work. It’s a journey so how do you reach your destination?  Ask yourself ‘what are the first steps I need to take to make my career a successful reality?

First, note that Fashion Influencer  is ‘a thing’, ‘a real thing.’  You make want to begin by  studying some of the most successful influencer success stories. Next, you should study and master the 5 essential steps that you need to get started as a fashion influencer.

Before that, you must know the answers to  several essential questions

1.         What is a fashion influencer?

2.         Is it a smart career option?

3.         Why do you want to become a fashion influencer?

What Exactly Is A Fashion Influencer?

Granted fashion influencers are virtually a new thing. There is no set qualification like a BA or certificate but rather one who is committed to their interest in fashion and sharing that interest with the world. FI’s are recognized persons in the social media community who generate fashion info via blogs, Instagram stories, Youtube videos, TikTok, and Facebook which are the top platforms.

Each  influencer focuses on creating content relating to fashion. They may include  content relating to other areas, such as lifestyle, travel, beauty, and fitness because they complement one another.

Those influencers who branch out into other niches tend to attract a wider audience and opens the door   for greater brand collaboration   opportunities.

True some are born with an eye for fashion, and they dress well, stay on top of the fashion trends. Think of that FI the friend who shares their knowledge and information about where to buy, what brands to wear, when where and whys this color woks and that one doesn’t for this scene or that situation and so on. An influencer knows how to engage with their audience and build a trusting relationship. So defined, an influencer has a special talent to influence the opinions of their audiences and their purchasing behavior.

Because of the FI’s power to persuade and influence the views, about products brands are eager to sponsor influencers for everything from creating a social media post while wearing their clothing to attending exclusive fashion parties.

As a business, knowledge is powerful, and you need to know that your work as an FI is all about business. For instance,  if a brand provides payment to you for publishing a post, the influencer needs to note on  the post “paid or sponsored content.” The terms of the transaction, however, is unique and  between the influencer and the brand. Particulars, such as the cost-per-post and even the duration for which the post will be live, and what it is that you are required to do per brand or client is different. You must be able to provide proof of your work. You can screen shot various occurrences like viewership, likes and dislikes, shares and so on.

Fashion influencers may enjoy some of the celebrity that models, actors, musicians, and sports stars   enjoy but their work is always all the time whereas the other celebrities deliver a product on time: record releases, games, movies and tv series etc.   However, unlike traditional celebrities, these rising influential talents engage directly with their audiences daily or weekly  developing  personal bonds with their audiences. They respect their followers instant and immediate direct and personal connection consequently FI’s communicate with their audiences directly.  Most fashion influencers demonstrate respect and appreciate their followers.

Is It A Smart Career Option?


Statistics have revealed that our youth  no longer talk about their desire  to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, or engineers. It’s all about making it big on YouTube or Instagram, or TikTok. This  phenomenon is in part due to the growth of social media and the deterioration of the public school system. Social media has been a game changer in providing options available regarding one’s career choice.  People are no longer interested in the good old government manufacturing company jobs that demand laborious work for hourly wages and pensions. Nor are they excited or enticed by the  college when they can easily make $100k a year as an influencer?” – That’s along the lines of what is voiced by and echoed  by youth.

Of course, it does not speak for every single kid in the world,  but the numbers show that the world view about work has changed.  The have nots want more  and are tired of waiting. Influencers are already out there influencing future generations. And these next generations are going to be our world leaders. Leaders with the power to influence their communities.

 A fashion influencer who takes it seriously  definitely makes a smart choice. It’s a powerful position. Also, paydays are something to get excited about as an influencer. The downside is that you may not make a lot of money in the beginning as a fashion influencer. You must build your audience.  But if you work hard that paycheck will grow and has not top-off. The   income growth is fully dependent on your commitment and passion.

Why Do You Want To Become A Fashion Influencer?

That leads us  address why you choose  to pursue Fashion Influencer as a career.

What is the guarantee that you will remain committed to a career as a fashion influencer?                            Ask yourself, “Am I passionate about fashion and the potential life as an influencer?”

If your answer is yes, then go for  it. Still like any other career choice you must ask yourself, “why do I want to become a fashion influencer?”?

Those who choose to go into the medical field or healthcare industry  do so because they have a passion for helping others and saving lives. Did you know that there are health influencers out there who are real doctors?

So let me ask you, “are you passionate about fashion?”

Even if you choose later to change your career choice go for it if it’s what you think you want to do. Most people don’t know what they want to do with their lives. The only way you will know what you want is to explore all the options out there.

Here’s a few  tips on becoming a fashion influencer for a living.

5 Master Tips Towards a Career as a Fashion Influencer

Here are the tips:

1.         Be confident in your personal style

2.         Master the art of fashion shots

3.         Join fashion communities, events, and store appearances.

4.         Establish collaborations with brands—do it for a nominal trade (Clothing for example)   at first to grow your visibility with a contract stating that once you reach $10,000; $20,000, $50,000, $100,000 negotiate your incremental increase in value.

5.         Don’t be afraid to be picky with collaborations

6.         Branch out to lifestyle, makeup, and any other interests

7.         Post daily.

8.         Send press releases to the online fashion pages, and print publications  . . .query them about blogging for the publication, collaborating with them at fashion events,

9.         Present to brands your relationships with  stores, and organizations . . . fashion shows etc.


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