When Separate Equals Hungry

A 2-part feature exploring food insecurity.

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Learn, Give and Live this Earth Month

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Chicago in the past was notorious for extreme cold. If you haven’t noticed…our winters are much milder, rain events are more intense, and extreme heat days are increasing. Chicago’s climate is changing and Black Chicago is disproportionately vulnerable to the negative impacts of volatile weather. Where do we fit into the conservation conversation? How does Black Chicago position itself considering the new leadership of Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson? How impactful will the Department of Environment be for Black people? Can the City Council advance ordinances that reduce the negative impacts of climate change specifically on Black bodies and businesses?

According to the U.S. Census data Chicago has lost 30% of its Black community in the past 30 years, will efforts in the city increase displacement and gentrification? Earth Month is celebrated around the nation to bring awareness to the state of our natural systems. For Black Chicago, Earth Month is 30 days of reminding urban Blacks about how systemic inequities have resulted in our communities having the dirtiest air, most vulnerable infrastructure, most complications with clean water access, and disproportionate health consequences. Be inspired to learn. Find ways to give and contribute to efforts to protect the environment. Enjoy living in a city where environmental equity is part and parcel of a revitalized Black economy.


BIG hosts Victor Davis on racism in emergency management
April 18, 11:30 am-1:30 pm
RSVP @ bit.ly/BIG_AprilLecture
On April 18th at the Green Living Room on 6431 S. Cottage Grove, Blacks In Green welcomes Director of Disaster Services, Feeding America Founder-President, Preparedness Matters, LLC, Vincent Davis. His talk will cover Racism in Emergency Management and its Impact on Black Disaster Outcomes. Blacks In Green is a local environmental organization focused on advancing healthy Black communities through its Sustainable Square Mile movement. Monthly lectures provide opportunities for community members and leaders to listen, share, and network.


Chicago is building a Climate Action Museum!
April 22, 6 pm-9 pm
Follow them on IG @climateactionmuseum
Join this amazing fundraiser to support the world's seventh museum focused on climate. The Climate Museum highlights breakthroughs in climate technology for the built environment. “What you will see is a host of future and current technologies around water, air, and energy that make a quality living. People can go and learn about futuristic stoves that use magnets and see what that looks like,” says A.J. Patton, CEO and Founder of 548 Capital. He serves as one of over 30 host committee members raising capital for this impressive and timely museum. Patton, named 40 under 40 by Crain’s Business Chicago is a developer with a passion for sustainability. “I would call myself an environmentalist. My company has a number of energy-efficient, solar-powered, all-electric and passive house projects with level 3 EV charging stations, there are no fast chargers in Black communities,” shared Patton. When asked why this museum is so important for Black Chicago Patton stated, “these decisions start at the top, we need more developers, architects, general contractors and engineers taking the lead on clean energy and sustainable development as well as to normalize thinking and talking about the climate crisis.”


Enjoy a free day at the zoo
Daily 10 am-5 pm
Visit their website www.lpzoo.org
Lincoln Park Zoo is one of the few free zoos left in the nation. Located at 2001 N. Clark the zoo is open 365 days a year from 10 am - 5 pm. Check out the seal feeding and training, find out how apes are taken care of by the excellent animal care team, or take a ride on the AT&T endangered species carousel. Pack a lunch or dine on-site for a fun day in Chicago. The zoo is accessible by public transportation and along Lake Shore Drive. Grab your bike and ride the lake for a low-cost day in the best city in the world. Want more? The zoo offers dozens of events for youth and adults throughout the year.

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About Author:

Dr. Mila Marshall is an environmental professional and journalist with a passion for advancing sustainability in all sectors. Her passion is directed towards urban food systems in segregated cities.



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